In the midst of SIS’s busy college application season, “The Beauty Inside” premiered on JTBC on Oct. 1. This romance drama features renowned celebrities Seo Hyun-jin and Lee Min-ki, the lead female and male characters respectively. Other stars like Lee Da-hee and Ahn Jae-hyun, both known for their model-like bodies, appear in the show. This list of famous actors and actresses alone is enough to captivate the audience.
“I started watching this just because of Seo Hyun-jin and Lee Da-hee,” Alex Oh (12) said. “I should concentrate on finishing applications, but it’s too fun to stop. I find myself waiting in front of the television at 10:30 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays. But the drama boasts so much more than its amazing lineup. I love that it has a very interesting plot.”
Seo Hyun-jin appears as Han Se-kye, a top actress in the drama. Despite her status as a popular celebrity, her life is not always glamorous and perfect. For one week each month, her appearance changes to that of a random person—she may become a baby, grandma, or even switch genders. On the other hand, Lee Min-ki plays the role of Seo Do-jae, the charming executive of an airline company. Behind his attractive looks and seemingly perfect life, he suffers from Prosopagnosia, an inability to recognize people’s faces. Hiding this disorder, he attempts to remember people by their habits and mannerisms. The story progresses as Do-jae realizes the only face he can recognize is Se-kye, kindling an affectionate relationship between the two.
“I rarely watch Korean dramas, but I fell in love with ‘The Beauty Inside,’” Sarah Park (12) said. “This isn’t like any other cliché romance show with wealthy men and poor women. Instead, it includes strange phenomenon of appearances changing and neurological disorders. It also has numerous hilarious moments that crack me up.”
This 2018 show is based on the 2015 film also called “The Beauty Inside,” starring prominent celebrities, including Han Hyo-joo and Park Seo-joon. Similar to this drama, the movie was an extreme success. The majority of reviews praised the film for its well-thought-out plot, complemented with extraordinary acting by the stars.
“I decided to watch this because I enjoyed the 2015 movie so much,” Brandon Oh (12) said. “If I had to choose between the two, I would choose the drama because since there can be more episodes, the plot is more thorough and complex. It also brings to light the important message of looking at inner beauties rather than outer beauties.”