Blake Lively, once the ultimate “it-girl” of Hollywood, is now facing a sharp decline in her public image. The actress, previously renowned for her charming personality and picture-perfect relationship...
In today’s globalized world, one might expect the media to fully embrace inclusivity. Unfortunately, this has not been the case for East Asians.
For decades, East Asian men in Western media were frequently...
“I’m looking for a Tradwife, sourdough, homestead, wants kids.” As people go on social media, this audio fills up their feed. Derived from the idea of taking on the behavior of traditional wives,...
AP tests have always been a cause of immense stress for SIS high school students, and the switch to digital exams for the 2024-’25 school year is likely to intensify pre-test anxiety as students hurry...
Feb. 24, 2022 is a date that each person will remember differently. To Ukrainian citizens, this day signifies an invasion of sovereignty that they anticipated since late 2021 when Russia gathered 190,000...
The hallways are buzzing with anxiety for the upcoming AP testing occurring over a two week span from May 6. However, many classes have scheduled tests leading up to or even overlapping with the AP dates....
As students open emails to check club executive results, many emotions arise within the student body. These emotions range from happiness and satisfaction to disappointment and dissatisfaction. The continuation...
On March 29, Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder of the bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for defrauding investors of his company and ordered to forfeit $11bn to compensate victims....
On Mar. 18, the high school office presented a new club executive selection process. An email sent out by Mr. Del Vecchio, Vice Principal of the high school, details the new changes for all clubs. These...
“When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and one represents opportunity.” - John F. Kennedy
Prometheus was a titan known for his intelligence...
On Jan. 1, an online video of Seung-ri, a previous member of the K-pop group Big Bang, went viral after he was seen hosting an event at a Cambodian club when he suddenly exclaimed that he “would bring...
As one approaches the beautiful territories of SIS, a disastrous scene unveils in front of them; also called the “shantytown” by many of the SIS community, there lies a huge area of land that seems...