The Student News Site of Seoul International School


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Korean culture loses importance at SIS

Korean culture loses importance at SIS

Joanne Yang | Oct 11, 2019

Every year on Oct. 3, South Korea bursts into vibrant parades, festivals, and fireworks, unified with a boundless sense of patriotism for National Foundation Day. Known as Gaecheonjeol, which translates...

Editorial: Why read the news?

Editorial: Why read the news?

Jenny Seo | Sep 5, 2019

New coaches, teachers, and facility renovations. Fluctuating Japan-Korea relations. More of Trump’s racist rhetoric.  When put in such bite-sized statement forms, current events read like distant...

Identifying the roots of Trumps racist rhetoric

Identifying the roots of Trump’s racist rhetoric

TTAdmin | Sep 5, 2019

It is an oral history. History has shown that tension from racist rhetoric has been growing for many years, and President Donald Trump’s language has only exacerbated an existing danger. Not many people...

The truth behind College Board’s adversity scores

The truth behind College Board’s adversity scores

Brian Ham | Jun 3, 2019

In light of the timeless struggle to even the playing field for college applications, the College Board announced the use of an Environmental Context Dashboard (ECD) in May that would accompany a student’s...

Abolishing stigma surrounding mental health

Abolishing stigma surrounding mental health

Emily Oh | Jun 2, 2019

I’ve always found the posters with messages along the lines of “mental illness is not incompetence” plastered around school ironic. The systems we have in place seemed to merely cry out for awareness...

Aligning retakes with the purpose of education

Aligning retakes with the purpose of education

Brian Ham | Apr 24, 2019

As Neil Postman mentioned in The End of Education, “for school to make sense, the young must have a god to serve. If they have none, school is pointless...he who has a why to live can bear with almost...

What for?

What for?

Hannah Kim | Apr 24, 2019

Spring in Korea is a time marked by the steady blooming of cherry blossoms: signaling both the end of winter blues and the beginning of a new chapter of life. Endowed with a sense of renewal and commencement,...

What change means to us

Jenny Seo | Mar 22, 2019

From new couches to club funding, SIS has been on a valiant mission to engage with students in ways long overdue. While any change faces its fair share of backlash and complaint, the recent modifications...

Amazon abandons New York headquarters amid entitlement allegations

Amazon abandons New York headquarters amid entitlement allegations

Eric Hwang | Mar 4, 2019

Almost three months after Amazon announced it would build a new headquarter in New York City, the trillion-dollar company announced on Feb. 14 that it would pull out of its previous commitment. Amazon’s...

Animal rights group accused of cruelty

Animal rights group accused of cruelty

Emily Oh | Feb 15, 2019

As South Korea increasingly embraces the idea of dogs as treasured companions and pets, negative attitudes against the consumption of dogs have risen. According to Korean Animal Rights Advocates, an organization...

Editorial: Caught between success and enjoyment

Editorial: Caught between success and enjoyment

Hannah Kim | Feb 15, 2019

It is often assumed among the students of SIS that high school is a time to compromise enjoyment and personal preference for academic success and building accomplishments. Any action that goes against...

Florida girl’s canceled SAT scores spark outrage

Florida girl’s canceled SAT scores spark outrage

Christopher Shin | Feb 1, 2019

After receiving a 900 on the SAT administered in March 2018, Kamilah Campbell believed that she needed a better score to get accepted into her dream school: Florida State University. The high school senior...