Last week, on April 7, a student in SIS tested positive for COVID-19. While the school has been able to allow students of all grade levels to resume offline learning for the past month, the school had to immediately shut down the campus last Thursday when the test result was confirmed. To prevent any spread of the virus on the campus, the school promptly required all faculty members and students who were in contact with the infected student to submit their COVID-19 test results and to remain in quarantine for two weeks. Meanwhile, other students and teachers who were not in contact also had to shift to virtual learning for five days in case of any possible outbreaks. With the continuation of the pandemic for over a year, the constant change between virtual and physical learning was no longer a surprise. All students and teachers swiftly entered their Zoom classrooms the very next morning. Fortunately, this week, the school announced that all students are to return back to campus starting from Thursday, April 15. In delivering this message, the school once again emphasized the importance of following the COVID-19 protocols in order to uphold a safe, healthy school environment.
All students return to campus on Thursday, April 15
About the Contributor

Minjae Chun, Design & Production Editor
Minjae Chun is a senior design and production editor of Tiger Times. She is passionate about art, literature, and journalism. She enjoys having movie nights with her family and friends during her leisure time.