Chance to take more APs lies in your hands, not others’

Graphic by Minjae Chun (11)

Recently, SIS students had the chance to make appeals to take additional AP Courses. However, not everyone’s appeals were approved by the administration.

Curiously, the AP recommendation form has a section at the bottom of the page that indicates whether students’ appeal to take an additional AP course has been approved. The approval depends on whether the student has displayed responsibility to manage the additional workload. However, a handful of students protest against their appeal rejections, deeming the administration’s verdict as unjust. 

Students often fail to recognize that their appeal may be rejected. Many blame the “system” and administration for misjudging their academic capacity. When unsuccessful, students often have their parents call the school office to grouse about the rejections. 

Students’ frustrations are not entirely unfounded, for rejected AP appeals not only restrict their preferred course selections but can also damage their self-esteem and bring upon a sense of inferiority. 

Nevertheless, in reality, students—not the administration—are responsible for their denied appeal for an extra AP course. Incomplete formative work, homework left undone, and trends in teachers’ recommendations are the deciding factors of appeal approvals. Frequently, students blame the lack of time for not completing their formative work. However, students are very well aware of this commitment from the start of the year, especially since many teachers and the administration emphasize the importance of formative work. In particular, Junior Class, who have undergone this process during sophomore year, must be more aware and reflective of their own choices that led to their current predicament.

Some students have their parents call the high school office to complain regarding the rejection of the AP course request, but this should not be the effective way to handle the situation. 

Although this may seem like an effective solution, even if this attempt ends up working for the students, the involvement of parents is nothing more than a temporary solution. By having parents call in the school administration to talk on behalf of the student, the involvement of parents takes away the learning opportunities away from the students. Ultimately, it is on the students to begin developing a sense of responsibility.  

“I often find students that are not yet used to the SIS culture wanting their parents to take responsibility for their actions a big problem” Fabian Roh (11), whose additional AP request did not get approved, said. “We do have an administration that is usually very open to outside suggestions, but that does not mean students should see this as an opportunity to neglect their responsibilities. As prospective college students, I do find it necessary for SIS students, especially those who are not yet used to the culture here, to gradually reduce their dependence on parents.”

SIS highly emphasizes students’ individual responsibility. Students are responsible for keeping up with their formative work and contacting their teachers when they might miss a deadline. Yet, many students and parents fail to recognize this, refusing to change their attitudes and have the students take responsibility over their actions.

Simply said, it is essential for the students of SIS to use the additional AP course requests as a chance to develop their sense of responsibility and take this experience as a wake-up call for them to begin taking a more strategic approach.