National History Day student council meets
The National History Day (NHD) student council held their first meeting on Monday, as James Kowalski and Steven Nave introduced the group’s roles and expectations. SIS will be hosting NHD next February, and hundreds of students from various schools are expected to participate.
Members of the student council expressed their enthusiasm for NHD 2023 after the first meeting took place.
“I feel very excited as this is the second year SIS will be hosting NHD, and it will most likely be the first non-virtual NHD in a couple of years,” Joon-sung Kim (11), logistician of student council, said. “I am eager to see what people from all around the country have to bring for this year’s theme of Frontiers in History.”
Students were actively engaged in the NHD meeting, listening attentively to their responsibilities in the group and asking many questions. By the end of the meeting, student council members received their assignments and formed clearly defined goals for the event. The student council and advisors will meet every Monday and complete tasks outside of school in order to create a quality product for the event in February.

Sophie is a senior reporter for Tiger Times Online. She loves listening to music, hanging out with friends, and shopping at Hongdae. Feel free to strike...