Large fire burns down tire plant in Daejeon
On March 12 at 10 p.m., a fire broke out in a plant operated by Hankook Tire & Technology Co., Korea’s leading tire manufacturer.
Though the Daejeon Fire Headquarters reported that 10 employees sought medical treatment due to excessive smoke inhalation, no serious injuries or deaths have occurred.
Hankook Tire & Technology’s spokesperson believes the fire started due to a malfunction in the tire-shaping machine located in the northern part of the plant, where flammable materials are stored. Nonetheless, the spokesperson made it clear that the company is still looking into the exact cause of the blaze.
The fire caused transportation disruptions, including subways, KTX, buses, and cars being forced to detour around Daejeon.
“My family told me about the fire incident last night, and they told me they saw black smoke up in the air as they were driving on the highway,” Ewan Huh (12), senior, said. “I can’t imagine how the locals living near the plant will have to adjust to the bad air quality. Though masks are not a requirement now, wearing one would definitely be a wise option.”

Jennifer is a senior reporter for Tiger Times. She loves chilling to lofi music, watching avenger movies, and sleeping. She loves anything chocolate-related,...