The SIS varsity badminton team attended the SFS invitational as their first game of the 2023-’24 season on Feb. 21. The SIS team dominated the games against GSIS, KIS, and SFS teams, winning 22 matches overall and receiving a first-place ranking.
“Our training is focused on specific goals we personally need to work on,” Jenny Park (10), varsity badminton player, said. “The coaches usually separate us into groups and we practice skills such as clears, movements, smashes, and receives. We were able to apply these skills in our games.”
The invitational was friendly and most of the players, including a number of alternates, were able to participate, testing out skills that they had learned over the first week of practices.
“After a great start to the season, I am very excited to see how much more our team can achieve,” Jenny said. “It was also a great opportunity to see some areas we needed to improve on.”
The varsity badminton team will once again travel to SFS for their second match of the season on Feb. 28.