The HS Drama Department has landed on its production for this school year: a stage adaption inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classic “Alice in Wonderland.” Each year, the Drama team selects a different play to perform. The previous choices included such productions as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “The Addams Family.”
Auditions for this year’s cast began the first week of the school year in the drama studio. The dates were set to be performed live on three consecutive days: Oct. 30, Oct. 31, and Nov. 1.
With the performance being an adapted version of the original play, the SIS play introduces new characters into the original story, providing more opportunities for students to perform in various costumes throughout the show.
“For this year’s play, I am most excited about the diverse costumes and props we are going to use,” Hannah Park (10), actor of Alice for the play, said. “Since the play is ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ Alice meets different characters, including animals and humans. Because of the diverse cast for this play, there will be more props compared to past performances.”
Taking into account all the new costumes and characters incorporated into this year’s production, spectators should come to find out what other surprise lies in store for them.