This year, the SIS HS Drama Department is transforming Lewis Caroll’s cherished tale, “Alice in Wonderland,” into a colorful, modern adaptation. Following a tradition of conventional plays the past few years, the drama team hopes to break new ground with a fresh, video game-inspired depiction of the play. The performance will take place across three days, and students can enjoy the performance from an interesting lens through the vibrant costumes, props, and sets.
“It’s a true adaptation from the book itself, but we took more of a modern twist and related to the real world,” Danny Gohde (10), cast member, said. “Some of the costumes of the characters are actually based on game characters such as Mario and Luigi. The theme of the performance was inspired by the question of what ‘Alice in Wonderland’ would look like in a video game setting.”
The play is expected to last about an hour, and it will welcome audiences of all ages with shows at 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 31 and 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 1. High school students and parents are encouraged to attend, and entry is free for all guests.
“In terms of the targeted audience, if you are an adult, you may notice things that are geared for younger audiences,” Danny said. “But it’s pretty clear that the play is directed towards young children, like kindergarteners or elementary school kids. Though, there are certain jokes that are suitable for more mature audiences, so I would definitely recommend that high school students attend the play as well.”