Students interested in trying out for the varsity badminton team during the spring season attended open gyms on Jan. 10 and Jan. 15 to practice their skills and meet other prospective and experienced players.
Hosted by badminton coach Ross Atkins, these open gyms offered spots for over 60 students over three sessions. All spots were filled by both new and returning players, consisting of underclassmen and upperclassmen alike. New players engaged in badminton scrimmages with returning players, similar to those participating in official practices, to allow new players to get a feel for the team.
In addition to growing one’s ability in badminton in preparation for the upcoming season, the open gyms allowed prospective players to ask questions and form connections with upperclassmen and coaches.
“A lot of people who are already in the varsity badminton team come to the open gyms, so I can interact with them and the coaches and try to make a good impression before the badminton tryouts,” Claire Baek (9), open gym attendee, said. “Also, I can improve my skills for the season.”
The badminton open gyms will conclude in late January and tryouts for the varsity badminton team will begin in early February.