With the increasing popularity of young and attractive actors, actresses and idol stars in Korea, there is a rise of a bbasoonee culture, which refers to individual fans being overly infatuated with a...
Based off of American chef Eddie Huang’s book “Fresh Off the Boat: A Memoir,” the sitcom “Fresh Off the Boat” made its debut on Feb. 4. Set in the mid-1990’s, the new sitcom chronicles a Taiwanese...
Let yourself sink into the Parisian atmosphere: intoxicate yourself with the fragrance of its dense, buttery baguettes; hum along to the romantic tinkles of French words boiling ever so softly in your...
A week before the dance showcase, the Dance Club, also known as GG Crew, met in the fitness gym for two hours everyday after school. Hosted by Dancers Anonymous Leadership (DAL)nd Joe Hion, the captain...
ARTWORK: Crazy Musicians, 2014. Charcoal, color pencil, acrylic, pen and collage on canvas. Dimensions. Seoul, Korea.
YENI’S COMMENTARY: In the second online issue of “SIS CreARTions,” I invited...
NKHR Speech Contest
Members of the North Korea Human Rights (NKHR) attended a speech contest organized by the company Freedom Factory, where 10 North Korean refugees gave speeches concerning human rights...
First aired Jan. 31 on the cable broadcasting company JTBC, the dating TV-show “Dating Alone” implemented the concept of virtual reality, providing a new outlook on televised dating programs. Similar...
Single teen: Oh my god, nobody wants me. I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life.
Please. You’re a teenager, for crying out loud. You have plenty of time to get it on in the future, if that’s...