DMZ Eco-Youth Explorers Club members showcase pictures of nature

DMZ Eco-Youth Explorers Club organized an exhibition “DMZ Through Our Lenses” in the atrium from Oct. 31-Nov. 2, showing pictures of species inhabiting DMZ.

Uee Jung (10), Jennie Koo (10), Kaden Lee (10), and Yates Park (10), all members of the club, went to Cheorwon County, Gangwon-do to take pictures of plants and birds and identify the species. The sophomore members also went to DMZ Crane Pyeonghwa Town on July 16-17 to present the bird species they encountered.

“It was great to experience a unique environment free from human intervention,” Kaden said. “Learning about and looking at nature in the DMZ, I felt the importance of preserving our environment.”

Many students passing by the atrium complimented the exhibition.

“The pictures of the cranes were especially eye-catching,” Ann Lee (11), nature lover, said. “It was interesting to see pictures of a place that seems distant and unreal. I wish to go there sometime too.”