The HS Drama Department has landed on its production for this school year: a stage adaption inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classic “Alice in Wonderland.” Each year, the Drama team selects a different...
Cheers from the bleachers in TG1 roared on Sep. 12 as the school’s varsity boys volleyball team warm up in the gym. It was the third home game of the season, and so far, the team’s winning streak has...
On Oct. 2, varsity girls and boys volleyball teams traveled to Nowon-gu, a full two-hour drive away from SIS, to play against the APIS Greenhawks in their third away game of the season. In the past months,...
Two members from Seattle’s National Center for Restorative Justice (NC4RJ) visited SIS to provide insight on restorative justice on Sep. 30. Throughout the school day, groups of students and faculty,...
Every year, one of the most competitive tournaments in SIS, the Association of International Schools in Asia (AISA), is hosted by one of the six-member schools from Japan, Jeju, Taiwan, or South Korea....
Rumors are an inevitable aspect of high school life. Regardless of whether it is true, information permeates throughout the student body. Even the most coveted secrets shared with a handful of friends...
Everlyn Chong, Photo/Graphics Editor/Copy Editor
| Oct 5, 2024
Every school year, SIS athletes have become increasingly engaged with the media. Beginning with the change in the Hall of Fame to the highlight videos produced by Tigers Film Club (TFC), the SIS community...
Ever since school started on Aug. 13, an array of changes were made to kickstart the year—a new Hall of Fame, field, and atrium—but out of all the changes, one of the most impactful was the newly enforced...
Starting from Sep. 2, the HSSC implemented a new system of ordering at the Snack Shack, a hotspot for student activity during office hours that sells a wide variety of food. The previous method was imprecise...
As students log into Powerschool at the end of each year to select courses for the following school year, a question fills their heads: which courses should I take? Students submit their course selections,...
Roaming around the hallways of SIS, one can spot foods and beverages held in the hands of numerous students and faculty that they have not seen before. With the advent of a new school year, Tiger’s Den...
SIS hosted its first pep rally of the 2024-’25 school year for fall season sports on Sep. 10. The event was held in TG3, welcoming student athletes participating in volleyball, cross country, tennis,...