Sia’s recent release of her self-directed and written film titled “Music,” has caused multiple controversies and uproar from the public. The plot of “Music” revolves around the main character...
BEIMUN XXVIII took place over the weekend on Feb. 25-28. Being the first online BEIMUN conference, delegates were able to enjoy a whole new experience, using Microsoft Teams in order to send notes. This...
(Feb. 3) SIS hosts third online forensics tournament
On Jan. 29-30, SIS hosted the third virtual forensics tournament of the school year. Last semester’s two tournaments involved participants competing...
With students buried in mountains of college applications and summatives, emails from counselors remain neglected in mailboxes. At SIS, students strive for ultimate academic excellence— sometimes at...
Stop politicizing the virus. COVID-19 is no longer just a health pandemic, but a haphazard mess of dirty politics. In times of vulnerability, our lives are at stake, and so is the very basis of democracies....