The Student News Site of Seoul International School


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Changes made to cheerleading applications

TTAdmin | Oct 17, 2014

Since the end of August, last season’s cheerleading team and Andrea Goodrich, cheerleading coach, have been looking for an appropriate date for this season’s try-outs. Although the try-outs were originally...

HOSIS: Week 4

HOSIS: Week 4

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

"How did this happen?" "I was speed skating at the ice rink I think around 10 days ago. I slipped on the ice and crashed into the cushions surrounding the rinks. If I'd landed on my back it might have...

Students show doubt towards feminist campaign

Students show doubt towards feminist campaign

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Launching the HeforShe campaign, British actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson delivered a speech at the United Nations headquarters on Sept. 20. In her speech, Watson focused on the...

Minor flaws in unique dystopian novel leave brilliance unaffected

Minor flaws in unique dystopian novel leave brilliance unaffected

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Although dystopian novels are not a new genre, there are now a plethora of dystopian novels taking up the limelight of young adult (YA) literature, with many of these being turned into film adaptations....

Non-Summit gives viewers international outlook on Korean society

Non-Summit gives viewers international outlook on Korean society

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

A comical simulation of the Group-of-20 (G-20) summit, JTBC program Non-Summit quickly garnered popularity after it debut July 7. With representatives from 11 nations: Canada, US, France, Belgium, Ghana,...

Photo by David Choe (10)

New student aspires to become an environmentalist

Jaeha Kim | Oct 3, 2014

Having lived in suburban Germany and France for the past eleven years, Garam Lee (11) likes to call herself a passionate “global citizen.” Although she has yet to have much exposure regarding environmental...

Cross-country changes elicit positive response

Cross-country changes elicit positive response

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Due to the lack of a competitive outlook last season, cross-country coaches have initiated a new training regimen this season, incorporating elements of cross-fit and other sports, such as swimming, into...

Labyrinthine film convolutes source novel

Labyrinthine film convolutes source novel

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Audiences saw the rise of films featuring teenage protagonists since the publishing of novels that put the spotlight on teenagers. Indeed, teenage post-apocalyptical films are still in vogue, given the...

Varsity tennis team has mixed results in game with SFS

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Defeating Seoul Foreign School (SFS) for the second time this season, the varsity girls tennis team won every match in the home game held on Oct. 1, thus winning with a total score of 5-0. This game marks...

Varsity boys volleyball claims victory against APIS

Varsity boys volleyball claims victory against APIS

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

Preview Despite an unexpected slow start to the season, losing six games straight, the varsity boys volleyball team was determined to prove otherwise. In their second home game, against Asia Pacific International...

Open gym sessions reflect basketball heat

TTAdmin | Oct 3, 2014

The acclaimed legacies of last year's varsity basketball teams have set high standards for this year's teams, as the boys team went undefeated and the girls team placed third in the KAIAC tournament. In...