HSSC launches Secret Pen Pals event


Joseph Chun, Design & Production Editor

On Oct. 5, the High School Student Council (HSSC) launched the Secret Pen Pals event, in which randomly paired up student participants anonymously exchange letters. Participants turned in their letters to Emily McClintock’s Room by Oct. 7, which were delivered to their respective pen pals the following Wednesday. The letters included introductory details about the writer such as their favorite classes and interests. 


Secret Pen Pals is a new approach for HSSC in that it aims to tighten the relationship between upper and underclassmen.


“Until now, many HSSC events such as Freshman Late Night were focused on one grade,” Kris Son (10), HSSC member, said. “We think Secret Pen Pals could give opportunities for communication between students of different grades.”


To keep the letter exchanging process anonymous, HSSC devised a supplementary system.


“In order to avoid the relevance of identities, HSSC will be the intermediary between pen pals: HSSC members will collect the letters and distribute them to the right people,” Kris said. “Also, the information of the pen pal pairs will be exclusive to HSSC members.”

The event has stirred up excitement among participants.


“Exchanging letters anonymously seems entertaining because I can form new friendships,” Jinmin Lee (9), Secret Pen Pals participant, said. “I plan to write about my hobbies and ask my pen pal about his or hers. I am also looking forward to playing online games with my pal.”


Meanwhile, HSSC plans on continuing the event in future months.


“October’s event was intended as an ice breaker, so HSSC hopes that pen pals have opportunities for further conversations in the future,” Kris said.