“Street Woman Fighter 2” first aired on Mnet on Aug. 22, capturing the attention of global dance fans. Until now, dancers were largely excluded from the spotlight in the entertainment industry, so...
On Sept. 16-17, Black Pink, a famous K-pop group, hosted the last of their world tour “Born Pink” in Seoul. The Black Pink members traveled worldwide in their year-long tour schedule, beginning in...
In June 2021, Rachel Zegler was announced as Snow White for the upcoming live action remake, bringing a wave of backlash from people worldwide for both her darker skin tone and the feminist viewpoint that...
Starting in May, more than 11,000 writers from the Writers Guild of America (WGA) went on strike to protest several issues that they allegedly faced from negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture...
The first lineup for One Universe Festival 2023 has revealed that Lil Uzi Vert will perform in Korea alongside other artists such as Paul Blanco, Sik-K, Lil Cherry, Gold Buddha, and Camo.
“I think...
Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, a 52-stop showcase encompassing all 10 of her studio albums, provoked massive buzz when Ticketmaster, the world’s largest ticket marketplace, broke from high demand and got...
On July 21, the film “Oppenheimer,” a biopic that revolves around the creation and deployment of the atomic bomb, was released in cinemas worldwide by Universal Pictures. By the time “Oppenheimer”...
On May 5, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” was released in Korean theaters, garnering great attention as the film concluded Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” series.
“Unlike many of the...
On May 4, New York jurors ruled unanimously that Ed Sheeran’s song “Thinking out Loud” did not infringe upon the copyright of Marvin Gaye’s song “Let’s Get It On.”
The plaintiffs (heirs...
With Bad Bunny and Post Malone—also known as Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio and Austin Richard Post—facing audio difficulties, Frank Ocean deciding that he wants to deconstruct his ice rink set last...
On April 8, BTS member Jimin broke numerous records on the Billboard chart with his song “Like Crazy,” the main track of his first studio album FACE. Jimin became the first Korean soloist to rank No....
A rebooted “Harry Potter” TV show, a continuation of the “Ghostbusters” franchise, and new “Lord of the Rings” films.
In the last year alone, studios from across Hollywood have revealed...