Intra-school volleyball game motivates athletes

Minjae Chun, Design & Production Editor


The SIS varsity volleyball team played their first internal scrimmage after school on Sept. 16. Prior to the game, the girls and boys JV and varsity athletes gathered in TG1 and were divided into their respective white and black teams. 


“I was really excited when I first heard about our internal scrimmage because I knew the game would allow me to get closer with both JV and varsity players,” Bin Chiang (11), a receiver on the boys’ white team, said. “Since I did not even know all the names of my teammates at the beginning of the season, I really appreciated this event.”


Due to level 4 social distancing restrictions, volleyball tournament dates this semester are currently uncertain. Hence, through this internal scrimmage, coaches created a competitive game simulation where athletes demonstrated improvements from their month-long training. 


“As I was competing against my teammates, I got to see their strengths and weaknesses,” Philip Hahm (11), a setter on the boys’ black team, said. “After getting to know each players’ skills, my varsity team came up with various offensive strategies that could be used in future tournaments as well.” 


During the game, the gym was filled with cheers and applause from teachers and students who attentively kept track of the winning team. One memorable moment from the game was when Philip made a perfect set to Andrew Park (10), who spiked the ball with full extension to gain the point. Ultimately, the boys’ black team won by 2 points in the last set while the girls’ white team won by 9 points in the last set. 


“Although some athletes were disappointed about losing their game, the coaches and I emphasized how we are all one team no matter what,” Jonathan Ames, high school athletics director, said. “Overall, the scrimmage was highly effective for players to reflect on their skills and get our school community involved.”


While it might not have been as intriguing and competitive as tournaments with other rival schools, this month’s scrimmage motivated volleyball athletes to focus on developing teamwork and communication skills throughout the rest of their season. In the future, Mr. Ames is anticipating another intra-school scrimmage for the varsity tennis team if COVID-19 restrictions remain.  


“I hope we have another scrimmage for the next volleyball season,” Julia Cheon (11), a receiver on the girls’ white team, said. “Given the restrictive social distancing circumstances, I was really grateful that my coaches created an opportunity for me to play in a game surrounded by the immense support of the school community.”