Varsity cheerleading team cheers from the sidelines


Erin Choi, Reporter

For the first time in over a year, on Jan. 26, the varsity cheerleading team was allowed to cheer on the sidelines and stage their half-time performance at a basketball home game. 

The COVID-19 restrictions strictly limit the number of people allowed to be present in the gym during basketball games. So, until this past Wednesday, both the varsity cheerleading team and audience members were not allowed to watch the games in person. However, beginning from the second semester, the varsity cheerleading team was finally allowed back in the game. 

Upon returning from winter break, the coaches informed the varsity cheerleading team of this news. In preparation for their performance, the cheerleading team revised their sideline chants and rehearsed their half-time routine during practice.

“The whole team, including myself, was extremely excited after we heard that we could cheer at the basketball games in person again,” Ashley Seong (12), captain of the varsity cheerleading team, said. “Especially because it is my senior year, I was looking forward to being able to attend the basketball games again. The whole team worked extra hard on our performance and sideline chants this time.”

The varsity cheerleading team cheered for both the girls and boys varsity basketball teams, and they performed their short yet impressive half-time choreography twice. 

From quiet basketball games with only the sounds of sneakers, balls, and the coaches filling the gym, to a dynamic game with the sounds of pompoms, loud cheers, and chants accompanying, the game against TCIS was truly a successful one that reached the peak of the tiger school spirit. 

“Having the cheerleading team cheering on the sidelines during our basketball games definitely makes a difference,” Yoonseo Kim (11), varsity basketball player, said. “I think that the game against TCIS went especially well because the cheerleading team was there to support us. I could tell everyone was more energetic than usual.”