Netflix aired the first season of “Ginny and Georgia” to roaring success, especially in the United States. It chronicles the lives of the characters Ginny and Georgia, a daughter and mother, as they...
In celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda franchise, Nintendo announced that they will release a Nintendo Switch remake for classic Zelda games, including “Wind Waker,” “Twilight...
Sia’s recent release of her self-directed and written film titled “Music,” has caused multiple controversies and uproar from the public. The plot of “Music” revolves around the main character...
Minjae Chun, Design & Production Editor
| Feb 14, 2021
The Korean cable channel Orion Cinema Network’s (OCN) fantasy thriller “The Uncanny Counter” released its last episode on Jan. 24 and ended with a successful finale. Based on the hit webtoon “The...
Disney and Pixar’s latest film, “Soul,” was released on Jan. 20. “Soul” is an animated comedy-drama film about a jazz pianist who faces a near-death experience and gets caught in the afterlife,...
The latest Netflix original film, “Hillbilly Elegy,” hit the cinemas of South Korea’s largest movie chains, CGV and Lotte Cinema, on Nov. 11. Multiplexes in Korea continued to boycott the screenings...
As we wrap up the semester with this issue and look forward to winter break, the world has begun preparing for the holiday season. Unfortunately, the holidays this year will differ from those of the past...
One of the most sensational South Korean girl groups, Blackpink, has continued to rise to fame. Since their debut, the group has achieved immense popularity with their singles topping charts and breaking...
As students struggle through multiple exams on one day as a result of the two-day online and two-day offline system, we have seen an overall increase in students’ stress levels. For better health and...
As the fall sports season continues and the winter season approaches, it is more important than ever for athletes to stay in shape. However, even if you are not taking part in sports or anything of the...
Disney’s live action movie “Mulan” has been embroiled in controversy recently after its release in September. Although many were looking forward to this movie, the public was not satisfied...
BTS, one of the most popular big K-Pop boy bands, crushed YouTube’s past records with an astonishing 101.1 million views in 24 hours after the most recent release of their new single Dynamite on Aug....