A new Netflix Original series “Single’s Inferno” premiered on Dec. 18, 2021. The show gathered attention because it was billed as the South Korean version of the popular American reality dating show...
There he stood gallantly atop the podium as the proud salutatorian, offering final words of wisdom for the class of 2021. His choice, to declare that “luck doesn’t exist” and that opportunities are...
With a rising demand for streaming service platforms, many are jumping into the industry. As the market becomes more competitive, a popular tactic for companies is producing exclusive content, differentiating...
Minjae Chun, Design & Production Editor
| Dec 13, 2021
It has only been a month since Disney Plus was launched in South Korea, and high school students are avidly sharing newly released Disney exclusive TV series and movies on their social media.
Joseph Chun, Design & Production Editor
| Dec 13, 2021
On Nov. 23, the legendary anime director Hayao Miyazaki overturned his retirement decision and returned to the Japanese animation filmmaking Ghibli Studio for his last movie, How Do You Live? Miyazaki...
Jennifer Kwon, a junior reporter, reviews the recent sensation, Red Notice. After giving a brief overview, she lays out the opinions of different critics, friends, and herself.
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the film “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” HBO Max, a television network, is releasing its “Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts”...
Joseph Chun, Design & Production Editor
| Dec 7, 2021
YouTube has been the only major social networking platform, among Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, to have a dislike button. Yet, on Nov. 10, YouTube erroneously decided to remove the dislike...
Virgil Abloh, artistic director of Louis Vuitton and founder of Off-White, died on Nov. 28, following a private two-year battle with cardiac angiosarcoma. The sudden death of the renowned 41-year-old was...
On Nov. 5, 50,000 fans rushed into Travis Scott’s concert in Houston, ready to enjoy Astroworld’s music festival live. What they had not anticipated was the surge of injuries, deaths, and lawsuits...
Joseph Chun, Design & Production Editor
| Nov 18, 2021
On Oct. 21, actor Alec Baldwin shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured other staff members while filming a gun scene on the set of the upcoming film “Rust.”
Alec Baldwin was handed a prop...
On Oct. 18, fans were taken aback after reading online about Kim-Seon-ho’s relationship with his ex-girlfriend “A.” “A” wrote in an angered tone, making allegations that Kim Seon-ho had coerced...