On Dec. 30, 2022, Netflix released the hit Korean TV series “The Glory.” The show immediately gained explosive popularity, recording over 25 million views in three days.
The plot follows the adulthood...
“Everything Everywhere All At Once,” a comedy sci-fi film that follows the adventure of a Chinese-American immigrant trying to discover the meaning of existence, has topped this year’s Oscars race...
On Dec. 13, the long-awaited dating show ‘Single’s Inferno 2’ premiered the first of ten episodes on Netflix.
Contestants arrived at a remote island off the coast of Incheon to win a night at...
Brandon Choi, Executive Copy Editor
| Jan 19, 2023
On Dec. 14, 2022, “Avatar: The Way of Water,” the long-awaited sequel to the original 2008 film, was released in South Korea. In the five weeks since, the James Cameron film has grossed $1.7 billion...
On Nov. 25, K-pop agency BlockBerry Creative released a public statement announcing that Chuu, a member of the girl group Loona, will be removed from the group due to her abusive language and mistreatment...
On Dec. 1, Spotify finally released its annual Spotify Wrapped rundowns to its users, providing fans with a summary of the listening habits they demonstrated over the year.
Every year, Spotify tells...
The new JTBC K-drama “Reborn Rich” first aired on Nov. 18. It airs three episodes per week on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 10:30 p.m. KST. Starring renowned actor Song Joong-ki, “Reborn Rich”...
With the approaching Christmas season, many music artists announced news regarding their upcoming concerts in Korea. With Maroon 5 visiting and many other artists planning on stopping by Korea as part...
On Nov. 16, in a press conference at the Seoul Bar Association, K-Pop group Omega X announced the termination of its contract with Spire Entertainment following plans to take legal action against the company...
The 2023 Grammy Awards nomination list was released on Nov. 15, revealing that Beyoncé’s “Renaissance” album had been nominated for album of the year as well as additional nominations for her songs,...
On Nov. 15, Harry Styles confirmed via Instagram that he will hold a concert on March 20, 2023 at the KSPO Dome in Seoul for his “Love On” tour. On Nov. 23, the presale for the interpark and Yes24...
‘Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever,’ the sequel of ‘Black Panther’, which came to Korean cinemas on Nov. 9, attracted additional attention due to Chadwick Boseman’s death in 2018. The movie had...